Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith to star in The Karate Kid remake

This is seriously been bugging me all night, so the point that I went to the internet movie database to read what other people had to say about the new Karate Kid movie. What I saw was about a hundred people deciding to boycott the movie, with a few saying that they need to grow up, it's just a movie and if they don't like it, then don't see it. Understandable claim. Personally I side with the boycotters. And why is that? Simple;

I'm old enough to remember good cinema.

I need to get this off my chest, but a boycott like this really does need to happen, and not just because I think that Jaden Smith is a terrible actor--he's a little boy, that's just mean--or the fact that this movie is about Kung Fu, not Karate--The argument I heard for why it's ok for it to be called Karate Kid is because the kid knows Karate at the beginning of the movie, and the Chinese kids mock him for it, so it's something to do with that. I think that person might be from Utah--it's more than that. It's the fact that Hollywood is remaking a classic film that shouldn't be remade. Plain and simple, some things should never be touched, and The Karate Kid is one of them. Not to mention, this movie pretty much bashes Karate. Jaden's character knows a little Karate at the beginning of the movie, and he gets his butt kicked by kung fu. He can't defend himself against these kids unless he uses Kung Fu to do it. I take Krav Maga classes, and I'm betting that my instructor could kick the crap out of Jackie Chan.

Really, the boycott isn't about this one movie, or this one remake. Look at the movies that are being made, Meet the Spartans, Disaster Movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Scull, tell me those movies don't just make your eyes bleed. Hollywood thinks that it's ok to vomit up any old thing because they know that morons will pay to see them. I'm not an idiot, I know that there is no such thing as an original idea anymore. Trust me, I'm a writer, I already got that speech, but this isn't a new concept. The difference now is that Hollywood is just being lazy. They could make good movies, they could have made a Kung Fu movie without trying to scam off the Karate Kid. But this gets more money in their pockets faster.

What does this generation have to show when it comes to movies? We got High School Musical. Zac Ephron and Hannah Montana are our cultural icons. Now look back on the days with Bogie and Bacall, Elizabeth Taylor, or Cary Grant. These are iconic figures. Or hell, even old slapstick comedy was better (Arsenic and Old Lace, Airplane! Young Frankenstein). I could go on, but by now, I'm hoping you get my point.

Well, to sum up in a very essay type way, if you wanna boycott the Karate Kid remake, boycott, hell, I'm joining you, but don't just do it because Jackie Chan cannot compare to Pat Morita, do it for the future of cinema.

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